Zero, first, second, third, mixed conditional - test

1. Wstaw odpowiednią formę czasownika.


1. If you ............(press) that button, the light.........(go on).
2. I ............(visit) you today if you ...............(tell) me yesterday.
3. If you ........(not/eat) it, you ............(be) hungry.
4. If I .........(be) you, I ............(not/be) so sure of that.
5. If the day ..........(come), the sun ............(rise).
6. If I................(not/destroy) your computer last week, I ................(use) it yesterday
7. Jack ..............(kill) that man if he.............(be) more careful.
8. If we .................(live) in this country in 1994 we................(have) a beautiful house now.
9. If Bob .............(listen) to my advice he .........................(have to) come back home.
10. The cat...........(die) if you .................(not/feed) it.
11. We..............(go) home by bus if  we ............(buy) tickets.
12. Unless the child..............(be) ill, he ...........(not/cry) all night.
13. If I .............(visit) my doctor last week, I ...........(have) all the needed medicines now.
14. You teeth .............(not/hurt) you if you...........(wash) them as a child.
15. If she............(take) the aspirin, the headache............(go by).
16. Unless we ..........(burn) the chicken, we...........(have) a delicious dinner.
17. If the mayor .............. (not/invite) that singer, the concert...........(not/take) place last summer.
18. If my daughter ...........(wear) a sweater in the morning, she............(not/be) cold now.
19. I ............(use) that ointment if I...........(be) sure it works.
20. If you .............(put on) that dress, you...........(look) nice.


2. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedz.


1.The if it .............. you running through that garden.

a. bites/sees          b. would bite/saw         c. will bite/sees


2. They ............ you if you....... them the truth.

a. didn't arrested/tell         b. will not arrest/tell     c. would not arrested/tell


3. All the flowers........... if they .......... water regularly.

a. dies/aren't     b. will die/aren't      c. die/aren't


4. I.............. you last night if I ........... you help today.

a. would have called/needed            b. had called/needed    c. will call/need


5. He .............. a doctor if he.............. interested in medicine.

a. will become/will be    b. became/were        c. would become/were


6. If I ............ that film last time, I............... the assignment better.

a. saw/wrote      b.  had seen/ would write    c. had seen/would have written


7. If you ........... the green button, the computer.............

a. press/goes on      b.  will press/goes on   c. press/will go on


8. Unless I .............. the passport, I ............. to Gdansk for holiday.

a.  get/will not drive    b. get/don't drive        c. gets/don't drive


9. If you ............... all the medicines the doctor gave you, you........ in bed for so long.

a.  took/wouldn't have stayed  b. had taken/stayed    c.  had taken/wouldn't have stayed


10. If I ......... rich, I ................ you a diamond ring.

a. am/would buy  b.  am/will buy    c. were/would buy


11. If I ............ money in the past, I .............. now.

a. had inherited/wouldn't work       b. inherited/wouldn't work    c. had inherited/would have worked


12. You .......... if he......... to you.

a. die/shoots      b. will die/shoot      c. would die/shoot


13. If I............. about the whole matter, I ........... my time here.

a. know/wasted      b.  knew/wouldn't waste         c. knew/wouldn't have wasted


14. They .............. that house for sure if they............ money for the renovation.

a. will sell/don't have       b.  sell/don't have       c. would sold/don't have


15. Kate............. that beautiful song on your last birthday if you .......... her.

a. would have sung/had asked        b. would sing/had asked    c. sang/asked


16.I............ fit now if I........... more in the childhood.

a. were/practised     b. would be/practised       c. would be/had practised


17. If we............. to here some time ago, we............. that takes for the second time.

a. listened/ will not correct     b. had listened/wouldn't correct      c. listened/didn't correct


18. The criminal ............. in 1978 if the police............ him better.

a. wouldn't have run away/had guarded b. would run away/guarded   c. would run away/had guarded


19. I................... a taxi every day when I go to work if I ........... more money.

a. took/earned       b. took/would earn      c. would take/earned


20. If you .......... salt, the food ......... salty.

a. adds/becomes    b. added/becomes     c. add/becomes

Conditionals - test