Third conditional - exercises

1. Wstaw odpowiednią formę czasownika.


  1. I ..............(go) to London to my grandma last summer if I.................(have) money then.
  2. Last week we.............(visit) Kate if she...............(be) at home.
  3. Unless you..............(renovate) the room when you lived there,you.........(pay) for the damages at that time.
  4. I .............(call) the police last time I saw him if I .........(have) a phone.
  5. If Mark.............(posses) a driving license as a teenager, he..............(buy) a red car.
  6. What .................(happen) to Barbra if I..............(not/call) the ambulance?
  7. If Jack.................(pass) the exam last Wednesday, he..............(go)on holiday last weekend.
  8. You ............(get) even two tickets if you (come)............on time last night.
  9.  When we were a couple Mark was always late. If he............(leave) his house earlier, he..............(not/be) late each time.
  10. If I ................(know) your address, I ...........(send) you a postcard from Italy last holiday.





2. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedz.


1. If it .................. yesterday we would have gone at the seaside.

a. didn't rained  b. hadn't rained    c. didn't rain


2. If I ............... all necessary things yesterday I would have had a free evening.

a. prepared     b. had prepare  c. had prepared


3. If you................ her earlier she ................. something to eat for us.

a. could have told/had prepared     b. had tell/ could have prepared  c. had told/ could have prepared


4. If my friend ............... his leg he would have taken part in this match.

a.  hadn't broke   b. hadn't not broke  c. hadn't break


5. If he............. so much he ..................... his car.

a. had drunk/ wouldn't have crashed    b. hadn't drunk/ wouldn't have crashed   c. would have drunk/had crashed


6. I .................... my job if I had tried harder.

a. wouldn't have lost     b. would haven't lost   c....would have didn't lost


7. If my son  had worked harder at school, he ................ better notes

a. would has got    b. would have got   c. would have get


8. If we ............... the earlier train last Sunday, we would have got there three hours earlier.

a. had caught    b. has caught   c. had catch


9. We ............. so much time renovating the house if we had hired a company.

a. wouldn't have wasted   b. hadn't wasted  c. hadn't waste


10. I ...................... out last night because I had  bought a ticket to the cinema.

a. can have gone     b. could have gone  c. could have go


Third conditional - Trzeci tryb warunkowy